- Javier Milei reconoció que trabajó para el genocida Antonio Bussi | Una curiosa manera de entender la "libertad" | Página12 (pagina12.com.ar)
- SQLite no es una base de datos de juguete (sysarmy.com)
- We need accessibility action (and we need it now) (yatil.net)
- Resetting credentials without email (cblgh.org)
- Javier Milei: "La cantidad de personas fallecidas Argentina terminan constituyendo un genocidio" - Radio Rivadavia AM630 (rivadavia.com.ar)
- Animations on the web - A video-based course by Emil Kowalski (animations.dev)
- A list of privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternatives (creativerly.com)
- Clig (clig.dev)
- JSON is dangerous (and slow) (smarimccarthy.is)
- uzu.works (uzu.works)
- Zero to Nix (zero-to-nix.com)
- Major DNSSEC Outages and Validation Failures (ianix.com)
- Elsevier fingerprintea PDFs (social.coop)
- Ventoy (ventoy.net)
- CookLang (cooklang.org)
- Why doesn't TypeScript properly type Object.keys? - TypeScript Structural Typing (alexharri.com)
- https://github.com/lua-stdlib/lua-stdlib (github.com)
- Infleciton AI's blog (inflection.ai)
- Internet Shaquille - YouTube (youtube.com)
- Mozilla Observatory (observatory.mozilla.org)
- SQLite performance tuning (phiresky.github.io)
- Consider SQLite (blog.wesleyac.com)
- Stalwart Mail Server - servidor de email en Rust (github.com)
- The Tiny Stack (Astro, SQLite, Litestream) (logsnag.com)
- https://hachyderm.io/@dalias/109939008221805423 (hachyderm.io)
- Ok Google: please publish your DKIM secret keys (blog.cryptographyengineering.com)
- Data Egress: What is it and how much does it cost? (getdeploying.com)
- LinuxBoot 34c3 (trmm.net)
- HTMHell (htmhell.dev)
- Beej's Photo Guide (beej.us)
- Oracle Cloud - Always Free (oracle.com)
- Njalla's Public DNS (dns.njal.la)
- @nametheblue en Twitter (twitter.com)
- Quién es Victoria Villarruel, la defensora de genocidas que entra al Congreso con Milei (eldestapeweb.com)
- a2hs.js - A useful modern JavaScript solution that helps your website users to add (install) a progressive web application (PWA) to the Home Screen of their mobile iOS devices. (github.com)
- @esnoreesnoreesnoreesnoreesnore (instagram.com)
- Njalla's DNS Checker (check.njal.la)
- Could sustainable websites increase energy consumption? (wholegraindigital.com)
- GrimGrains (grimgrains.com)
- Algo huele mal en Disroot (todon.nl)
- Warning: Vultr is now claiming full perpetual commercial rights over all hosted content (reddit.com)
- https://github.com/lua-stdlib/strict (github.com)
- mess with dns (messwithdns.net)
- Tweek Calendar (tweek.so)
- What Instagram looks like after an eco-friendly makeover (fastcompany.com)
- What I learned from 4 years of high school robotics (blog.wesleyac.com)
- I don't trust Signal (blog.dijit.sh)
- Fly.io (fly.io)
- How web bloat impacts users with slow devices (danluu.com)
- The Computational Democracy Project (compdemocracy.org)
- localfirst.fm - A podcast about local-first software development. (localfirst.fm)
- Email Privacy Tester (emailprivacytester.com)
- Buy wisely (stephango.com)
- Railway (railway.app)
- Quicklink (getquick.link)
- Los justos de Hernán Casciari (youtube.com)
- Ariyh - 3-min practical marketing recommendations from the latest scientific research (tips.ariyh.com)
- https://github.com/lua-stdlib/functional (github.com)
- Seeing Beauty in Basic To-Do Lists - cmhb.de (cmhb.de)
- Sharesnip - Quickly create or scan QR codes (sharesnip.rosano.ca)
- Curl Cookbook (catonmat.net)
- SKIN PURIFYING TREATMENT: Underscore's Melodrama (youtube.com)
- Optimizing SQLite for servers (archive.is)
- La Unión Europea retuvo un estudio que muestra que la piratería no daña las ventas (engadget.com)
- Images That Could Be Album Covers en Twitter (twitter.com)
- Markdown is not an exchange format (nytpu.com)
- The Ghostchain. (Or taking things for what they are) | Paletten (paletten.net)
- TypeScript JSDoc Reference (typescriptlang.org)
- MusE Sequencer (muse-sequencer.github.io)
- sqlite-zstd (phiresky.github.io)
- Just.js (github.com)
- Wikipedia has Cancer (en.wikipedia.org)
- Stargate DAW (github.com)
- Manjarno (manjarno.snorlax.sh)
- https://github.com/jhoonb/functional-lua (github.com)
- https://github.com/ezerfernandes/funkmoon (github.com)
- HSTS Preload (hstspreload.org)
- FAQ CEDEARs r/merval (old.reddit.com)
- Problemas con Signal (github.com)
- Socket Supply Co. (socketsupply.co)
- Hetzner dando de baja una VPS por tener una imagen de yuri (twitter.com)
- Deta Space (deta.space)
- https://github.com/gvvaughan/typecheck (github.com)
- https://github.com/luafun (github.com)
- Mundo viejo, mundo nuevo de Hernán Casciari (youtube.com)
- What works, what doesn't (presentationcollege.ie)
- Fireproof - Live database for the web - Local-first database with immutable CRDTs for seamless sync (socketsupply.co)